Being Fully Alive

It is but a simple, single verse from our first reading (2 Peter 1:2-7): God “…has bestowed on us the precious and very great promises, so that through them you may come to share in the divine nature, after escaping from the corruption that is in the world because of evil desire” (v.4) And that simple phrase, “to share in the divine nature” has been the fountain from which has flown endless reflection, speculation, and wonder over the millennia. Continue reading

The Mystery of Jesus

This coming Sunday is the 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Lectionary Year B. The translation used for all liturgies in Catholic Churches here in the United States, is “The New American Bible.” As help to readers, the editors add some headings to give the reader a macro-sense of the text. Our gospel passage falls in a section labeled, “The Mystery of Jesus.” Possibly because the cast of characters that are somewhat mystified by Jesus include the crowds, his family, and Scribes. But the story of Jesus, the mystery of the Incarnation, is still unfolding. The Gospel of Mark has only begun. Continue reading