Memorial of St. Barnabas

St. Barnabas was one of the prominent Christian disciples in Jerusalem, Jewish and Cypriot by birth. He was sent to Antioch as an emissary of the Church in Jerusalem and witnessed the work of the Lord. At some time before this, St. Paul had his Damascus Road experience and conversion. “When [Paul] arrived in Jerusalem he tried to join the disciples, but they were all afraid of him, not believing that he was a disciple.” (Acts 9:26) and it seems he moved on to Tarsus and resumed his trade as a tentmaker. Continue reading

The Kingdom

This coming Sunday is the 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time. One notable feature of this Markan chapter occurs early in the chapter when Jesus begins the parable with “Hear this! A sower went out to sow…” (v.3) and then closes the teaching with “Whoever has ears to hear ought to hear.” (v.9)  While ending a parable with a plea to discern is typical of the presentation of many parables, the doublet that bookends the first parable of Mark 4 is highly unusual when compared to the traditional Jewish presentation of the masahal/parable. There is interesting scholarly debate on the reason for this doublet, but one possible answer is that parables reveal those who are merely curious at this wonder-worker from the ones who are led by the Spirit to seek the Kingdom. In addition, when the authorities are “watching” it does provide a degree of uncertainty about the message being taught. Continue reading