Hunger Games

I am away from the parish and have the luxury of a “homily holiday!”  But I thought I would reach into the trove of homilies past and post something, hopefully, food for thought.

I recently [2012] saw the movie Hunger Games and thought it was an interesting saga.  If you haven’t seen the movie, the general situation is this: as punishment for a long-ago revolt of the outlying districts against the central government, there is an annual spectacle called the Hunger Games in which a young adult man and women from each district are required to fight to the death, while the entire nation watches. Continue reading

What is asked of us

Every so often someone, not a regular reader or subscriber, will leave a comment on one of my blog posts. I had written a piece about the history of celebrating the Mass facing away from the people, the liturgical reforms of Vatican II, and associated aspects of the topic. The point of the article was simply to point out that the view facing away from the people was the real, proper and only authentically Catholic way to celebrate the Mass wasn’t historically based. Such a posture is indeed permitted by the liturgical norms as is facing the people. A comment was offered that I was part of the “smoke of Satan” that was infiltrating the Church. The writer did not address the content of the post in any way, did not offer any correction to the content, or engage the topic in any way. Continue reading