Spirit and Persecution

The readings for today continue the account of the early Church as told in the Acts of the Apostles and continues the Farewell Discourse from the Gospel of John in which Jesus, on Holy Thursday, after the Last Supper, is still working to encourage and prepare his Apostles and disciples for what will come in the mission to the end of the earth. Jesus tells them that their mission will be powered by the Holy Spirit. He also notes that the Holy Spirit will fuel their commitment and perseverance to the mission – despite all the trials, persecutions, tribulations, and challenges they will face. Continue reading

Celebrating Christmas


If your parish is like mine, Christmas Mass can be a bit crowded with most of the Masses standing-room-only and the parking situation about the same. So this Christmas, if you’re frustrated by crowded Masses, or packed parking lots, take a moment and pray for Catholics who long for the Eucharist. Our brothers and sisters for whom public celebration of our Holy Day makes them targets of additional persecution. May our Christmas prayers and wishes be with them.

Celebrating Christmas


If your parish is like mine, Christmas Mass can be a bit crowded with most of the Masses standing-room-only and the parking situation about the same. So this Christmas, if you’re frustrated by crowded Masses, or packed parking lots, take a moment and pray for Catholics who long for the Eucharist. Our brothers and sisters for whom public celebration of our Holy Day makes them targets of additional persecution. May our Christmas prayers and wishes be with them.