Paying Attention: a glimpse into destiny

TransfigCommentary. Matthew 17:1-13 is an instructional session for all the disciples – note that in v.10, Peter, James and John have been joined the remainder of the group. Just as the preceding scene (16:13-28) juxtapositions the divine transcendence of Peter’s confession of Jesus as Son of God based on a revelation from heaven (16:17) with Jesus’ own teaching about the suffering Son of Man, so also in this scene the confession of the heavenly voice is juxtaposed with Jesus’ self-confession as suffering Son of Man.

The description of the Transfiguration is brief—just the first three verses of Matthew 17. But the incident becomes the context for two significant incidents for the disciples. Continue reading

Pushing out into deep waters…

PFrancis-on-loggiaHere on the anniversary of Pope Francis (happy anniversary, Holy Father!) there is growing speculation that there may be some change in the pastoral approach to divorced and civilly remarried Catholics. One only need glance at national newspapers and on-line sources here in the United States to know that it is a topic that is continually asked of Bishops.  And there is a context for the interviewer’s question. Last month the Cardinals of the Catholic Church met in Rome for a meeting on family life in our times. Pope Francis invited Cardinal Walter Kasper of Germany to give the opening remarks for the gathering. The Pope’s choice of Cardinal Kasper was enough to begin the speculation. While the opening speech will be published later this March (in German and Italian), there have been many reports regarding the content of the talk. Continue reading