A drop in the ocean

We get lots of advice all through our lifetime.  For example: advice on the best schools, places to live and vacation, and places to dine. If you buy a book on Amazon, watch a movie on Netflix, or do anything online, they are quick to advise you on other books to purchase, movies to watch, or what’s next in your life. Such advice might change your evening plans, but won’t change your life. John the Baptist has some advice for us all: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!Continue reading

National Cookie Day

Yup, there is a “national ___ day” for about every tihing under the sun, so why not cookies. I have been blessed in my life to know some great artisans of the cookie baking variety. I don’t think I have yet to meet someone who does not like at least one type of cookie…. chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, ginger snaps, shortbread, macaroon, and the list goes on. Continue reading